Lucilene da Silva Silva, Nathanielle Leite Resende, Carolinne Kilcia Carvalho Sena Damasceno, Cristina Maria Miranda de Sousa


Objective: To analyze the knowledge of nursing professionals about the Risk Management Process. Method: qualitative study conducted in a public maternity hospital. Data collection took place in June 2018 and was conducted through a semi-structured interview with the participation of 12 nursing professionals. Data were analyzed with the support of IRAMUTEQ Software. Results: the participants knew about risk management, but it was observed difficulties to conceptualize this process and when the actions taken in relation to the identification of a risk situation, they reported that they would trigger the patient's Safety Center, provide immediate assistance, would communicate the doctor/nurse and inform the institution's management through the ombudsman. Final Considerations: Knowledge about risk management is a theme that is far from the reality of some professionals, so it is necessary to improve the disclosure about what is risk management.


Gestão de Risco; Segurança do Paciente; Cuidados de Enfermagem

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