Matheus Aires de Sousa, Joabe Lima Araújo, Anderson Araújo Corrêa


Objective: This study aimed to analyze the clinical profile of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and the influence of educational level on treatment. Method: the research was conducted in the city of Colinas - MA using the exploratory-descriptive means and quantitative approach. The data collection period comprised the months of July and August 2017. To perform the population sample calculation, the StatCalc function of the EPI INFO software was used. Results: The evaluation showed that 48% of diabetics are not literate, and 85% of the population cannot describe their disease. The study found that 74% of diabetics undergo treatment, of these 94% know the dose of drug therapy, 24% know about the effects of the drug and 91% reported no difficulties in therapy. Conclusion: it was concluded that the level of education factor was not an influencer in relation to drug therapy.


diabetes mellitus tipo 2; escolaridade; tratamento medicamentoso.

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