Vaccine coverage and serological hepatitis b response in professionals of hemodialysis services / Cobertura vacinal e resposta sorológica para hepatite b em profissionais de serviços de hemodiálise

Telma Maria Evangelista Araújo, Fabiola Silva Aguiar, Maria de Lourdes Rosa Pessôa, Amanda Lia Valente Soares, khelyane Mesquita Carvalho, Rebeca Mendes Monteiro


Objective: To assess vaccination coverage , serology and  to check seroconversion against hepatitis B, as well as the knowledge about hepatitis B and its primary immunizing of professionals of hemodialysis services in Teresina. Methodology: This is a descriptive study, carried out between April-May 2009, through interviews with 83 professionals from two hemodialysis services in Teresina, one public and the other one private. Results: There was a coverage of 100% in nurses, 93.3% and 89.3% in the medical assistants and nursing technicians. Among them, 77.1% had serologic survey for anti-HBs, with only 50% seropositivity. 19.3% of the respondents demonstrated good knowledge about hepatitis B and vaccine. Conclusion: We found that a serological survey is not available in the public service, and it is a risk factor for professionals who think they are protected from Hepatitis B  by being vaccinated. Keywords: Hepatitis B. Immunization. Serology.

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