Nursing diagnosis present in adult patients in the postoperative of cardiac surgery / Diagnósticos de enfermagem presentes em pacientes adultos no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca

Sherida Karanini Paz de Oliveira, Francisca Elisângela Teixeira Lima, Ilse Maria Tigre de Arruda Leitão, Larissa Bento de Araújo Mendonça, Lídia Stella Teixeira de Meneses, Roberta Meneses Oliveira


Objective: To identify the principals nursing diagnosis present in adult patients in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery. Methodology: A descriptive study, documentary, held at a private hospital in Fortaleza, Ceará. The sample consisted of 19 charts of patients undergoing cardiac surgery by consecutive sampling. Data collection occurred during the months of October and November of 2007 through a form. This study was approved by the ethics committee under Opinion No 292/05. Results: ten nursing diagnoses were found in the immediate postoperative period, six of which were presented in all patients, which were:impaired skin integrity, impaired physical mobility, risk of infection, risk of aspiration, risk of shock and risk of imbalance fluid volume. And twelve   in the mediate postoperative period, highlighting: impaired skin integrity, risk of  infection and acute pain. Conclusion: the establishment of nursing diagnosis in healthcare practice fosters the development of a care plan. Keywords: Thoracic Surgery, Nursing Diagnosis, Perioperative Care, Nursing Care.

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