Epidemiological characteristics of neonatal admissions in a public maternity / Características epidemiológicas das internações neonatais em uma maternidade pública / Características epidemiológicas de admisión neonatal en una maternidad..
Descriptive retrospective Research with quantitative approach. Aims: Meet the epidemiological characteristics of hospitalization in Neonatal intensive care unit, relating them to the possible maternal factors, in a public maternity in southern Brazil. Performed with newborns that they put in the NICU, forwarded with the clinical summary to the Municipal program precious baby. The data were collected, with the following variables: maternal age, type of birth, number of pre-natal consultations, complications in pregnancy, and number of days of hospitalization in neonatal intensive care unit, in the period from January to December 2013. Were analyzed medical records 72, prematurity was the most prevalent with 61% of the babies, and their consequences such as the use of mechanical ventilation and apneas 55.5% were repeated and 52.7% respectively. Among the most frequent maternal complications was observed the Preterm Labor (31.3%) and premature rupture of membranes (23.8%). Thus the identification of the factors that lead to preterm labor and premature rupture of membranes, could meet the maternal background and consequently reduce the prematurity and low birth weight.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26694/2238-7234.6428-32
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