Violence profile in children 0-9 years of age treated in a public hospital / Perfil de violência em crianças de 0 a 9 anos atendidas em um hospital público / Perfil de la violencia en los niños de 0-9 años de edad tratados en un hospital público

Lorena Uchoa Portela Veloso, Laila Caroline Leme da Silva, Clayra Rodrigues de Sousa, Paula Lima Rodrigues


Objective: To trace the epidemiological profile of notified cases involving child victims of violence in a public hospital of Teresina from 2009 to 2011. Methods: Retrospective study from the data of violence against children registered in the Information System for Notifiable Diseases ( SINAN). Enrolled 366 individual chips notification involving children 0-9 years old. Results: It was found that most cases occur in children aged 1-3 years (56.3%) and males (58.5%). Regarding the type of violence was observed more frequently neglect / abandonment (76.5%), with 65.6% of cases occurring in the victim's residence and taking her mother as the main aggressor (45.1%). Children died in 2.2% of reported cases. Conclusion: that child abuse is prevalent in the family environment and thus becomes a much more complex problem because the family that should take care and enabling conditions for survival and quality of life is precisely the one that participates or co-participate in acts of violence against children.

Keywords: Violence. Child. Epidemiology. Nursing.



Violência; Criança; Epidemiologia; Enfermagem.

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