Use of contraceptive methods by users of a basic health unit/Uso de métodos contraceptivos por usuárias de uma unidade básica de saúde/El uso de métodos anticonceptivos por los usuarios de una unidad básica de salud

Patrícia Viana Carvalhêdo Lima, Raiana Dantas Leopoldino Rocha, Inez Sampaio Nery, Jeferson Costa Pereira Silva


Objective: to analyze the contraceptive methods used by women of childbearing age in a primary care unit. Method: a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. It was held in a Primary Health Teresina-PI/Brazil. Involved a sample of 100 women aged between 10 and 49 years. We applied a semi-structured questionnaire and data were analyzed with the aid of Excel 2010. Approved by the Ethics and Research UFPI with CAAE No. 0181.0.045.000-11. Results: predominant age range of 20 to 29 years, 44% have completed high school, the majority (43%) are married, all participants knew the usefulness of contraceptive methods, as the most used contraceptive methods stand out condoms (82 %) and oral (73%). Conclusion: the majority of respondents holds knowledge about contraceptive methods, but there is a lack of information, such as the correct use and usefulness.

Descriptors: Women's health. Nursing. Contraceptives.


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