Which historicism in the MacIntyre’s thought?

Nicoletta Concu


Looking back into some MacIntyre’s writings my paper tries to achieve, in the thinking of the Scottish philosopher, the main features of the particular type of  historicism developed by MacIntyre in opposition to the methodology of enquiry pursued by the "academic orthodoxy”. Indeed the academic orthodoxy, responsible for the state of crisis in contemporary culture, fell down in attempting to give a solution for the moral disagreement. So it was necessary to pinpoint another philosophical outlook to solve moral disagreement.


historicism, philosophy of history, neopositivism, philosophy of science

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26694/pensando.v6i11.3508

DOI (PDF (English)): https://doi.org/10.26694/pensando.v6i11.3508.g2232

Direitos autorais 2015 Pensando - Revista de Filosofia

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